In the pioneering spirit of Strange Kompanjie, a small, experimental production of Pet Nat from the rare Grenache Gris.
A pale silvery pink colour from the gently pressed, dusky-skinned Grenache Gris. Fresh, vibrant green apple and citrus fruit aromas with lightly yeasty notes. Bright and refreshing with pink grapefruit flavours and a lime juice tang on the crisp, clean finish. A light lees remains after disgorging.
Strange Kompanjie Unlimited is a casual band of happy ferments. A circus tent of the Cape's stranger grapes and blends. They champion the unfashionable, experiment with the known and express the found before it gets lost. Strange Kompanjie is a cultivar club for the underdog.
The early picked grapes from the Voor-Pardeberg were gently pressed and the juice allowed to settle before decanting.
A natural, spontaneous fermenation occurred with no additions. Just before completion of fermenation, the wine was bottled with a small amount of residual sugar remaining. Fermentation continued in bottle followed by 2 months ageing on lees and disgorgement. Due to the short settling period the finest less stayed suspended giving a light cloudiness, the extent will vary from bottle to bottle. No fining or filtration, 1.4g/ltr of sugar. 1,600 bottles produced.
Cold platters, salads, smoked fish